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A Brand-new Independent Advisory Board for Orient Group

At Orient Group, as part of the shift towards corporate governance, independent directors have begun to take centre stage. This is an invaluable development within the system of management, and so far, three new directors have been appointed to the Advisory Board:

Vitaliy Podolsky is an Orient Group board member and a partner of the London-based Chesterfield Global Investment Fund. Moreover, he was the winner of ‘Director of the Year of Russia-2019’ and achieved a mention within the ‘50 Best Directors of Russia, 2012-2021’. Podolsky is an expert in corporate governance, finance and strategy, with over 20 years of successful industry experience. Known for his strategic and crisis management skills, tested over a long period of work in the US, Europe, in addition to Russia and the CIS, he has held a variety of executive-level positions. Notably, over the past 15 years, Podolsky has served as Chairman of the Audit, Finance, and Human Resources Committees in addition to being a part of the Board for LSR Group, Cherkizovo Group, Rosinter Restaurants, Kukhni Marii, Kazakhstan Kagazy PLC, and ‘A1’ Group;

Andrey Nesterenko is a recognized professional in development and retail. In the past, he worked at KPMG, Accenture, and Bunge, he was a CEO at Hals Development, was a member of the Board of Directors of VTB-Nedvizhimost, a CEO at RGI International, a Strategic Chairman at LSR Group, and a CEO at Capital Group. He is widely known for his involvement in DIXY’s Russian IPO. Currently, he is an independent director at the Orient Group and a private investor in the residential real estate, high-tech, logistics and agricultural sectors;

Pyotr Demchenkov has extensive management experience in the FMCG, retail and logistics sectors. Over the past 15 years, Pyotr headed the Distribution and Logistics division at ALIDI, which has operations in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Currently, he is an independent director at the Orient Group, a member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Advisory Board and Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration committee of the largest Russian retail chain, X5 Group. Lastly, he is the owner of the Finnish investment company Olina Oy.

This new format will surely help to build an effective corporate governance system.
2023-04-18 16:08