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CEO of Golden House in an interview with Spot.uz about the new vector of development - modern eco-development

Golden House, the leader and construction market experts in Uzbekistan, is setting trends and changing the image of the capital city, Tashkent, for the better. In an interview with Spot, Alexey Boldin, CEO of Golden House, discussed how the company decided to adopt an environmentally friendly approach to its projects and explained how their eco-quarter differs from ordinary residential complexes.

Key takeaway from the interview:

Modern eco-development encompasses high requirements for the design and construction of residential quarters, with a focus on minimising environmental impact and a special approach to selecting land. We choose to build our projects on the sites of former industrial enterprises, which significantly improves and transforms the area, introducing new functions and an eco-landscape to the location.

Like any other capital, our city is experiencing rapid growth and development. However, we must also acknowledge the negative aspects that come with this growth, such as increased traffic, congestion, and environmental degradation. As a socially responsible company, we cannot remain idle; we are obligated to address public concerns.

Today, eco-development goes beyond energy efficiency and also prioritises the health and safety of future residents. To support this, our courtyards will be equipped with professional exercise complexes, sports areas, and playgrounds for children of all ages. These amenities will promote physical fitness and strengthen immunity through outdoor activities.

We are deliberately enhancing the landscaping within our projects by involving professionals in the design and implementation process. Additionally, we are actively raising public awareness about energy and water conservation, tree planting, and waste separation, including plastics. Together, we will plant trees, clean the residential complex areas, and support one another.

In the near future, we plan to launch approximately five new projects, which are already being designed in accordance with our company's eco-standards.

The full version of the interview is available here: https://www.spot.uz/ru/2023/06/05/golden-house/
2023-06-20 11:41